In this paper we present a semi-Lagrangian surface tracking method for
use with fluid simulations. Our method maintains an explicit
polygonal mesh that defines the surface, and an octree data structure
that provides both a spatial index for the mesh and a means for efficiently
approximating the signed distance to the surface. At
each timestep a new surface is constructed by extracting the zero set of
an advected signed-distance function. Semi-Lagrangian backward path tracing
is used to advect the signed-distance function.
One of the primary advantages of this
formulation is that it enables tracking of surface characteristics,
such as color or texture coordinates, at negligible additional cost.
We include several examples demonstrating that the method can be effectively used
as part of a fluid simulation to animate complex and
interesting fluid behaviors.
A. W. Bargteil, T. G. Goktekin, J. F. O'Brien, J. A. Strain,
"A Semi-Lagrangian Contouring Method for Fluid Simulation."
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 25(1):19-38, January 2006.
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Previous version:
A. W. Bargteil, T. G. Goktekin, J. F. O'Brien, J. A. Strain,
"A Semi-Lagrangian Contouring Method for
Fluid Simulation." ACM SIGGRAPH 2005,
Los Angeles, California, August 2005. Technical Sketch
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