@inproceedings{Gerszewski:2013:EMF, author = {Gerszewski, Dan and Kavan, Ladislav and Sloan, Peter-Pike and Bargteil, Adam W.}, title = {Enhancements to Model-reduced Fluid Simulation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Motion on Games}, year = {2013}, pages = {201:223--201:228}, articleno = {201}, numpages = {6}, keywords = {Fluid simulation, model reduction, solid-fluid coupling}, } @article{Gerszewski:2015:BEA, title = {Basis Enrichment and Solid-fluid Coupling for Model-reduced Fluid Simulation}, author = {Gerszewski, Dan and Kavan, Ladislav and Sloan, Peter-Pike and Bargteil, Adam W.}, journal={Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds}, year={2015}, month={Mar/Apr}, volume = {26}, no = {2}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} }