In this paper, we address clustering and collision detection in the clustered shape matching simulation framework
for deformable bodies. Our clustering algorithm is ``fuzzy,'' meaning that it gives particles weighted membership in clusters.
These weights are a significant extension to the basic clustered shape matching framework as they
are used to divide particle mass among the clusters. We explore several weighting schemes
and demonstrate that the choice of weighting scheme gives artists additional control over material behavior.
Furthermore, by design our clustering algorithm yields spherical clusters, which not only results in sparse weight vectors, but
also exceptionally efficient collision geometry. We further
enhance this simple collision proxy by intersecting with half-spaces to allow for even better, yet still simple and computationally efficient,
collision proxies. The resulting approach is fast, versatile, and simple to implement.
B. Jones, A. Martin, J. A. Levine, T. Shinar, and A. W. Bargteil
"Clustering and Collision Detection for Clustered Shape Matching."
ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games 2015
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